The BiTech I/O16 Input/Output Module demonstrates in a
flexible and modular way the open structure of the BiTech
All external devices around the lifter (sensors and
actuators) can be implemented in the BiTech System using
the I/O16.
The I/O16 gives the flexibility to integrate sensors and
actuators from different suppliers into the BiTech system.
? flexible response on specific regional requirements and different products
Technichal Data
120 x 220 x 90 mm
? extendable functionality due to the BiTech Bus
system (multiple I/O boxes)
UP polyester,
glass fiber reinforced
? free choice of sensors and actuators by system
integrators or users
Protection type:
IP 65
Location of
at the lifter
? high system security because of potential free
? easy and secure connection of the external
devices by connectors
? maintenance free